Ease of travel, growing affluence, product convenience and exposure to western life styles have internationalised the appeal of wine.
Traditional wine markets enjoy ready access to quality wines.
Developing markets seek exposure to new products and experiences.
The global future for single serve ready to drink wine is truly significant and so exciting.
GLASS a WINE supplies an impressive range of award winning Australian wines to global markets in convenient reusable single serve glasses.
GLASS a WINE is initially targeting COMMERCIAL USERS in the domestic market that include:
- Restaurants, Caterers and Home Chefs
- Airlines, Cruise and Train Operators
- Hotel Mini Bars and Retirement Villages
- Sport, Entertainment, Concerts, Events and Cinemas
Whilst GLASS a WINE is initially not an e-commerce site, consumers and commercial customers can purchase wine by making contact through CONTACT on this website.
GLASS a WINE is developing export markets through its network of distributors.
The export markets being targeted include those identified above under DOMESTIC MARKET COMMERCIAL USERS together with those developed by individual distributors in their territories that may include direct on-line consumer sales, wine clubs, retail stores and vending machines.